Spring Copenhagen Launch
The team at Vincent are hugely excited to announce the launch of our newest brand - Spring Copenhagen, founded by Peter Sørensen and Claus Nielsen
Both Peter and Claus grew up in homes characterised by a great love for Danish design and interior design in general. They both get a kick out of finding old stories and forgotten design classics in secret hiding places.
Story is the common thread that binds all the products they put on the market. The story must engage and awaken feelings, and ideally, create a difference in somebody’s home, the pair explain:
“The core of our products is always the story. We believe in rejuvenation and always try to think in terms of renewal. Mostly, we look for designs that have something timeless, archetypal and evocative - objects that can grow to become new classics. Fundamentally, we look for aesthetics, simplicity and functionality, but we also look for great quality,” Claus says, continuing:
“We love great ideas. And we love to bring the history of the idea to life and allow it to blossom. That's what gets us out of bed in the morning. We search in every nook and cranny, sometimes even hiring detectives, to find designs that have unique stories that will add something to the design world.”
We look forward to bringing you more stories behind some of Spring's most iconic pieces in the coming weeks, but for now, we hope you enjoy exploring the range as much as we do!